Last time started blogging was because I saw a lots of ppl blogging so I think its fun =)``
At first``I just post everything bout moir life in here``
But then nowadays I feel that I was addicted on blogging``
That isn't because it was fun or other thing else``
Do you know what I mean?
I started realize how to express moir own humor``
Soever it was amused or hurt alternative``
I also can post over here as a recordation``
Besides``I never thought that anyone will view moir blog``
In facts``really feel so so suprised that actually have lots of ppl are viewing moir blog``
Tee hee``I ain't a nobody!!``
Even one day truer no one view moir post``
Still have some ppl are wont stop viewing moir post in this way!!``
Haha``as long as I am fucking sure that CAMELIA CHUA EE JIUN are one of them :D``
w00ts``LOLO and CHAU LU too =)``
Of course``baobei``ling``wenwen``sushio``evee``xiaosimm``
LOL``I know ur all r spying me *evil*``
What I wanna say is``Man!!``I FUCKING LOVE MOIR LIFE AYE :D``
And yet``there still got a flesh and blood have to affront``
Damn!!``I have ate kfc dinner plate for a week edy!!``
I really dont dare count how much caloriess are hide inside moir body``
OMG``I am seriouse man -.-``
Tho everytime also set one's mind on diet``
But when those food are infront of me``I was totally lose control``
However``I will start control moirself from now on!!``
Nah``never try to lead on me``:D``
I know that I can do that``
YES I can =D``
haha... i oso spy u oways geh.... lmao~~~
ReplyDeletew00ts``evee I also spy u everyday nia``*evil*``