Saturday, June 6, 2009


Was went to see Jolin's show at 1 borneo yesterday``

Well``It was a lots of ppl over there``

Of course``CAMELIA CHUA EE JIUN too =D``

I stand over there since 6.30pm``

But then Jolin come out the stage around 8.40 aye``

And those people infront of me keep turning around``fucking shyt aye!!``

WTF``moir leg was freaking pain man``

Somemore we dint eat anything``

After that actually wanna go new york to take our dinner``

But that was too far and my leg is gotta break off``

LOL``so we change the venue to kenny roger``


After that we all go to our car and prepare to go home``

Ewww``UNBELIEVABLE man!!!``really freaking jam tho -.-``

We sitting inside the car since 10pm and 11pm we r still staying at the same places``

The car never movess ya``

Erm``here is some photo I took yesterday``

Seriously``that was not clear``tee hee:D``