Moir teeth is fucking pain```
I din't attend school bout 1 week edy since holiday``
Really dono what to do``
I've promise my friends that I will go``
But finnaly I broke my promises``
Hymp!!`` I started miss them``
Idk why also but this few days I really think back many memoriess``
W.e. I so scare man!!`` Monday need to take off my teeth```
Is fucking dam OMG holyshyt scaryyyyy -[]-lll``
Oh ya`` ytd I bet again`` Ewww``luckily just put 20 bux for fun``
Otherwise`` Sure losee till die die```
Samo just now home sudden no current``
Fucking hot `` then we whole family went out walk walk```
Bahahahha``moir bro & dad went eat duriannn```
Ewwwww```So geliii``` Haha``but quite sweet =)``
Well``just now when I reach home I str turn on moir pc``
Then``I sign in moir skype and tryna see see ``
Wheather SHE got on9 or not``
I do not hope that she will online but as long as she ve changed her pro5``
But``finally``nothings changed``All still remains like before``
W00ts``teeth kinda pain now``
Gotta rest awhile 1st```
P/S: waiting you with our ANG ANG ANG T______________T``Good Night Becky=)
ANG ANG de head T^T```
U see our ANG ANG ANG so many friends geh *0* ``
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