Just now wake up dam early``
Then straight go to dentist``
Today really not feeling well``
Keep feel like wanna spit ya``
Luckily when arrive dentist doctor say nonid cabut 1st``
Because still infection ma``otherwise i will feel dam pain``
After that moir mum & I went to eat breakfast``
I keep feel wanna spit when sitting in the car``
Sure is faint car lai @___@ ``
Then finnaly cant stand the feel``
And straight vomit``
Really no appetitite at all``
Luckilly dint take off moir teeth``
If not i sure cant sit infront pc now``
At the same time``we went to Mc D buy lunch for moir bro ya``
When on the way back home``
I tryna eat some apple pie``
But finnaly spit it out again``
Until now also dam dam dizzy``
Vomit till no more energy to laf edy `` Zz``

Kk larh``hope myself recover soon T^T``
Good Night Everybody ='( ``
& take care dont be sick o(>,<)O,, `` BAI BAI T________________________T``
sick jo jau rest many lark ~ makan hamik mcd jek ..baka u
ReplyDeleteAhahahaha``makan for muntah``SHYYYYYYYY```