Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Preceding minute recollections ` `

Everyone have their own dreams``

And bringing their hopes until the next day``

When I wake up``And open the window``

Everything was back to the reality``

Without any dreams``any hopes``

All the things still remains actual``

And many problem still waiting us to solve it``

I really hate this feeling so much``

Sometimes really hope that remain in dream and wont wake up anymre``

But then``the reality is cruel``

Nobody can changed it & just can face it``


Well``still not feeling well today``

Quite miss moir rl friends``

And those happiness I do enjoy when we spent together``

I've broke my promises that I will go to school today``

Feel dam sorry bout that``

But seriousely they really meant so much to me``

Miss them so much =( ``


When I accidentally opened moir sketchpad picha``

I found our drawings``

And think back alots``

But I trust you will back one day lata``

Even the distance of us is as far as i cant see the terminus``

But I still always believe that ''FRIENDS ARE FOREVER''

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sick *0* ` `

Just now wake up dam early``

Then straight go to dentist``

Today really not feeling well``

Keep feel like wanna spit ya``

Luckily when arrive dentist doctor say nonid cabut 1st``

Because still infection ma``otherwise i will feel dam pain``


After that moir mum & I went to eat breakfast``

I keep feel wanna spit when sitting in the car``

Sure is faint car lai @___@ ``

Then finnaly cant stand the feel``

And straight vomit``

Really no appetitite at all``

Luckilly dint take off moir teeth``

If not i sure cant sit infront pc now``


At the same time``we went to Mc D buy lunch for moir bro ya``

When on the way back home``

I tryna eat some apple pie``

But finnaly spit it out again``

Until now also dam dam dizzy``

Vomit till no more energy to laf edy `` Zz``


Kk larh``hope myself recover soon T^T``

Good Night Everybody ='( ``

& take care dont be sick o(>,<)O,, `` BAI BAI T________________________T``

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dam Dam Boring!!````

Ewwww``today din't go anywhere man``

Idk why but today really is fucking bored neh```

Feel dam annoyed``dam lonely >W< `` Grrrrr```coudn't find anything to do`` SO so WTF```l3ecky where r u!!!!!``` Hymp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`````` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zzzz``tryna enjoy the loneliness``` But failedddd *0*``` W.e.`` Hmm`` since so bored`` Post up moir hp lovely pic then =)``



Actually nowadays my hp become dam cacat edy geh =X

Many stuff hilang edy =_______________=``

P/S:l3eckkuuuu fasta balik na``sien till dieee```

Hmm``boring till nothing can type``

Zzzzzzzz``see ya `````

Cooliess Day```

W00ts`` took it before go pedicure``manicure``& of course Hand SPA``

Hoho``just now went warisan square until 7pm``

Then``went to Secret Recipe buy cakess =)))``


Hymp!!`` and then only rememba that today is Earth Hour``

All ppl around the world should turn off the light frm 8.30pm to 9-30pm``

Well``then i start thinking why we needa do this kind recycle?``

Why we always turn on our extra light & waste those electric```

Haihz``feel abit guiltyyy```hahahahhaa```

Anyway``hope our earth recover soonn nehhh``` T^T```


Hmm`` here is moir nail painting ya```

Green colour!!``neva use this colour before``

Hehehhee``quite COOL!!``

But I more prefer ''HOT HOT PINK''!!··``wanna try is next time =)``

YaY``` Moir Green Nail```xDDDDD```

And This One!!!!````Its Pretty COOOLLLLLLLLLL =D```

Ey!!``I know my leg fatt man``Dun laf =_________________=```


Oh ya`` I've bought a cooliess Fake Lashess just noww```

Quite expensiveee```Dam poor nowadaysss dudeee````


Even walk many places today```

But then I still feel like very strong like fighter!!!! bahahahha```

Rah rah rah``` straight enjoy my chocolate fudge cake after arrive home man``


W00ts```Moir cake````=D```


Well`` I've nothing to write edy``

Hoho``Good Night l3ecky!!!!```

Oh ya``Good Night Everybody=]]]]``````

P/S: Ugly Good Night Kisss ``MUAFAFAFFAFAA``*evil*```

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rah Rah Rah``

Haihz``feel dam annoyed this few days``

Moir teeth is fucking pain```

I din't attend school bout 1 week edy since holiday``

Really dono what to do``

I've promise my friends that I will go``

But finnaly I broke my promises``

Hymp!!`` I started miss them``

Idk why also but this few days I really think back many memoriess``

W.e. I so scare man!!`` Monday need to take off my teeth```

Is fucking dam OMG holyshyt scaryyyyy -[]-lll``


Oh ya`` ytd I bet again`` Ewww``luckily just put 20 bux for fun``

Otherwise`` Sure losee till die die```

Samo just now home sudden no current``

Fucking hot `` then we whole family went out walk walk```

Bahahahha``moir bro & dad went eat duriannn```

Ewwwww```So geliii``` Haha``but quite sweet =)``


Well``just now when I reach home I str turn on moir pc``

Then``I sign in moir skype and tryna see see ``

Wheather SHE got on9 or not``

I do not hope that she will online but as long as she ve changed her pro5``

But``finally``nothings changed``All still remains like before``


W00ts``teeth kinda pain now``

Gotta rest awhile 1st```

P/S: waiting you with our ANG ANG ANG T______________T``Good Night Becky=)

ANG ANG de head T^T```

U see our ANG ANG ANG so many friends geh *0* ``

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Idk ```

Before the day we met, I am alone. But then now I back to alone again``I still rememba when 1st time

we meet in online world``I playing Thai SDO``and brings my clan member go beginner zone to sapu

ppl``thats was our 1st meet``I neva think that can find a good friend is online world since its fake!!``

I meet you Becky``you let me understand what call friends and how important that ''TRUST''

us``After that, I spend all my time to talk with you ``of course we pass many things include our family

discriminate or what `` So what?! `` I just know that you r my real life friends``although we neva meet

each other before`` you just same same as moir family`` and teach me alotsss`` even in real life

or online world``I wont scare no friends anymore because I know that I still got you`` Mayb ppl will

think that I am crazy``but I dont think so`` because at least in online world we talk with each other

we frind with each other with our truely feel`` what if real life? A lot of ppl wanna be friends with you

guys just because of ur look? ur money? Please la``haihz`` I rememba you say before even all

online world ppl cant find you``but choc0 only you can find me in real life``because choc0 is a part

of my real life friend ma`` And last month``I found that you long time didn't online``so I call to ur hp``

but ur bro told moir that you've changed ur hp numba``And then I went to viwawa``i saw you online``

I tryna chat with you``but you neva reply me``I really scare I lost this friends``I dont dare to text or call

ur new numba``because I scare``I really scare that the last connection of us also lost``What should I

do?`` When I went to sing k with real life friends ya``I sing our song ''all the things she said''`` I really

almost tear you know?``I thought that our friendship meant so much for you``but actually is it true?``

I always act dont know what happen and tryna chat to you but you just dont care bout me`` r you

really forget our happiness?`` our sadness?`` OMG`` I just saw you online together with your bf``

Well`` I really dam sad but I can do nothing`` I miss you alots`` of course I miss the time we joking

and caring each other``I didn't hate you at all`` I'll wait you back to our psycho world again`` I worry

you so much you know?`` Anyway`` See You Soon`` and wish you happy everyday sister ``