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I feel so so so tired``
Totally forgot who I am``
I tot it was been forgotten but actually not at all``
Facts is still always appeal in moir mind``
But I can't do anythings``
I wish I could``
Well``sometimes used to be very hate myself too``
Idk what to do``
I have totally lost moir mind``
Life's slightly sarcastic``
I'm sorry``just leave me alone :'((``
Yesterday outtie with some old friends``
Really have a very long period dint see you guys``
Hey I feel so so high atm``
Yeah I miss ur guys so so freaking much``
Ur all just like moir family always talk to me when I'm down``
Tee hee``sang for 5 hours again``
Seriously``ur all must take care yeah``
Get what I mean? hohohohohooh :DDDDDD``
And yeah after that was took moir dinner with some others friends``
But ur guys was late T^T``
Hohohoho but its okay```
Just wanna say that``It was really fun when togetha with ur guys``
Do you know why?``
Because ur all is as psycho as me too!!!```BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA```
Dont blame me if ur see this :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD```
FRIENDS``thankss for appear in moirr life``
Lets enjoy our teen lifes and have fun togetha tee hee :DDDDDDDDDDDD```
These days mood still remain the same actually``
But when I'm hang out with moirr friends``
Moods will turns better``
Because I really feel damn touching when I realize I still have lots bestiee around me``
Hehehehehhe``and lolo``everythings will be fine okay?``
Lets forget those unhappy memory together`` ILY =)``
Really feel so so satisfy to have lots friends around me``
Whateva happen``ur all is moir best best medicine forever =)``
Ur all are the same stage ba hohohohohoo```
I know I have mentioned ur all lots times edy``
But I am seriouse aye``
Because ur all really appear in my mind every moment ♥ ``
Sure ur all feel damn touching now``hohohohohohoo``Okay r I'm really seriouse`` Ciaoooo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD````

Tee hee``yesterday was lolo's b'day``
We used to be wearing same top :DDDDDD``
And yeah guess what?``
Finally!!!!``all of us hang out together again``
Really have a long time neva out and party together edy man``
Its was really freaking freaking FUN!!!``
Even lastly the party was delayed``
But its okay hun =)``
I am really really get high today``
Not because of the venue or f&b``
It was just because of UR ALL :DDDDDDD``
Really cant imagine that how we celebrate our b'day party next year``
Hopes that we all are still together =)``
Seriously``moir BFFL``
I LOVE ur all fucking much``
Please``lets enjoy every moment that can spent togetha with bestiee``
Tee hee``It was really cool aye :DDDDDD```
Well``please not to forget that``FRIENDS ARE FOREVER!!!!``
So``Be STRONG``Be WILD``Be COOL``and Be URSELF!!!!!!``
Mai mai``lolo``lai lai``Vyvy``BFFL FOREVER :DDDDDDDDDDDD```
And yeah Lolo``Happy B'day wish ur boobs bigger day to day```
Well``idk why I'm so emo these days``
I'm sick maybe?``hehehhehe``
Just feel likes I needa change``
Needa have some improvement for moir outer yet inner part``
Do you know what I mean? :)``
Well``before start this topic``
I wanna let ur know that``
I am not mention bout how pretty am I or how beautiful am I``
NEVER mention bout that``
This is just a definations``
Since I realize that nowadays moir expression skill not really fine``
Nowadays started realize that pretty and beautiful ain't the same``
Howsoever I dress like `` It was just a lil part of me but not moir overall``
So``I really highly hope myself can become the one's beautiful more than pretty``
Not from appearance but from the deepest part :DD``
Besides``pretty usually use to be those girl who are really pretty``
But ppl will neva mention that ur beautiful at the same times``
So which one ur expect to be?``
Hehehehehhe``I am just an ordinary girl``
But I highly trust that if you have a kindhearted``
Then ur the most beautiful girlss infront of ur friends or just errbody around you``
Trust me``they will notice you :DDDDDDDD``
I know errbody can do it``
Well`` even I'm not good enough tho``
But I believe I can do it one dayssss T___________T``
And you'll realize that was really cool ever :DDDDDDDDDD``
Besides``I feel really glad atm``
Yeah``moir friends was back``
Really feel so suprised``
Hehehehhee``I've learn something from you``
Friends are forever``It just depends on you wanna trust it or not?``
Nobody can steal ur friends``
Even neva meet but its ok``
Trust me``really doesn't matter``
No guessing `` Just tryna feel them with ur hearts``
And share ur sadness or happyness togetha``
This called friends``
Really felicitate that I didn't give up``
Yay this was moir persistance``HAHAHAHHAHAA``
Neways``no matter ur moir rl friends or online friends``
I dont care``Because I trust``
Hey moir bestieee``not jealouss r``
Seriosly``I love ur all so so so fucking muchhhhh :DDDDDDDDDD``
Well``share moir story untill here``
Hehehhehe``rememba cherish what ur all got``
And notice for the next updateeeee``MUAFAAFAFAFAFFA``:DDDDDDDD````

Went bed ytd``
Well damn fun seriously we all drink until 6am``
Ytd I used to be curl hair``
It looks stunning :DDDDDDDDD``
I love it seriously``
But idk just girls say str is nicer and boys say curl is nicer``
LOL``which one?``
The conclusion is BOTH ```tee hee :DDDDDDDDDDD```
Well really damn fun with ur guyss``
HAHAHAHAH``look forward to the next step out :DDDDDDDDDDD```